about me
growing up in Aberdeen, Scotland, I remember my father tinkering with his much-loved “Olympus Trip” stirring my intrigue. In my twenties, I had a notion for a film SLR but in truth, made little effort to establish why or learn properly. With no interest in the mystery of dark-rooms, I shied away from my camera. Later, I decided digital photography, with instant feedback, held more appeal, so I purchased a digital SLR and enlisted on evening classes in an effort to learn. A spark was ignited!
Soon after, I attended a short-course with Andy Hall, the renowned north-east photographer. Reinforcing my previous understanding, things fell into place with Andy’s teaching and I was captivated by his enthusiasm and perspective. Practice and a variety of trips, both local and overseas helped develop my compositional awareness and photography skills - I was pleasantly surprised by the adrenalin rush from photography. I remain indebted to Andy Hall for his valued teaching, in particular, his core-values of photography namely; timing, lighting and composition ……. oh ….. and for opening my eyes to the world around me and encouraging my visual-literacy.
I am a member of the Royal Photographic Society and was delighted to have been awarded a Licentiate distinction in July 2023.
A lover of nature, Landscape photography, is my favourite genre, in particular, around the golden hours and long-exposure shots. City/ street photography has also become fun due to the variety and spontaneity. My aim now is simply to explore new places, experience great light and take memorable photographs.